Tru Juice Premium Quality 500 ML
Tru Juice Premium Quality 500 ML is fortified with vitamin C Tru-Juice juices can be enjoyed when paired with any meal, whether breakfast, lunch, dinner or simply enjoyed on their own Bringing to you the taste of traditional homemade Jamaican juices without the hassle of preparing it yourself Net Weight: 16.9 fl oz (500ml).
A cherished Jamaican brand, Tru-Juice Premium Quality juice drinks are made from the finest, carefully selected fruits and vegetables produced locally in Jamaican and blended to perfection to provide only the best product for you.
Consisting of up to 30% juice, they bring to you the taste of traditional homemade Jamaican juices without the hassle of preparing them yourself. Tru-Juice juice drinks can be enjoyed when paired with any meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner or simply enjoyed on their own. And they’re available in a Tetra Pak format for pantry storage.
Products from Jamaica
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