Home Choice Indian Curry 200g – Pack of 3
Home Choice Indian Curry (Jamaican style) is a mix of Indian spices and Curry powder with a unique Jamaican Blend, which gives that desired color and taste.
Curry powder is a blend of spices and herbs originating from India used to flavor food. It tends to focus on big and bold flavors, like dried and ground chili peppers, turmeric, cumin, cardamon, curry leaf, and more.
Curry spice blends vary from region to region in India and throughout the world, depending on the region, the availability of ingredients as well as the preference of the curry blend maker. There is no singular curry powder.
Curry has spread around the world from India. You’ll find it now in many regions, such as Japanese curry, Jamaican curry, and more.
Interestingly, the word “curry” is actually a creation of the West, having appeared in British cookbooks in the 18th century, borrowing ingredients from Indian culture and cuisine, similar to garam masala.
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