tiger balm muscle rub extra strength
Tiger Balm Muscle Rub is an ointment capability to treat the swell, headache, muscle sprain, and other types of muscle discomfort, Perfect for the relief of muscular pain, s, and stuffy nose.
Tiger Balm is a brand-name topical medication used to alleviate pain. Its primary ingredients include camphor and menthol. The product athletes reach for prior to workouts: Muscle Rub is an easy-to-apply, non-greasy cream.
The 100-Year-Old Recipe- – Tiger balm was first made over 100 years ago to traditional formulas, this is the original formula made in Thailand. Camphor 25%, Menthol 10%, Cajuput Oil 7%, Dementholised Mint Oil 6%, Clove Oil 5%, Cassia Oil 5%, Paraffin & Petrolatum q.s. Tiger Balm Red Extra strength Herbal Rub Muscles Headache Pain Relief Ointment Big Jar, 30g
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