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Malta the drink the NEW beer

Malta the drink

Malta the drink is said to have its origins in Germany and is referred to on Wikipedia as malt beer, which means “malt beer” in English. Beer is made by fermenting a mixture and turning sugar (malt) into alcohol. Malta is produced in exactly the same way, but instead of being refrigerated, it is fermented with sugar that does not convert into alcohol.    

In Germany, this type of drink is called malta drink, which means “malt drink” to distinguish it from alcoholic beverages. Malta is a carbonated malt drink brewed with barley, hops, water and much of the grain of beer to which caramel colour is added. This is lemonade made from malt, made from dried, roasted grass seeds such as barley or wheat.    

Malta the drink is a lightly carbonated, non-alcoholic malt drink brewed from barley, hops and water. A popular method for African-Americans to drink Malta is to mix it with evaporated or condensed milk.   

The drink resembles beer in appearance, smell and taste, but has its own unique taste. Brewed with fine barley hops, Malta is a tasty soft drink with a strong sweet taste and a hint of bitterness reminiscent of molasses. It can be drunk cold or in a bottle, poured over ice or mixed with evaporated milk.    

The drink has a strong aroma and taste of beer but does not contain alcohol. When you’re ready for a unique and different drink, try a Goya Malta drink. Malta Goya is available in three varieties: Malta Goya Classico, Mata Goya and Light Malta Goya.  

Malta gets its own soft drink, brewed with bitter orange extract and vermouth. It is similar in colour to a strong but darker brown and sweeter and is described as molasses taste.   

Its own soft drink, made from bitter oranges and extracted from Vermouth and popular local cisk, is available on the island and stands shoulder to shoulder with the major soft drink brands. It is brewed with hops, barley, yeast, water and much of the beer, adding corn and caramel.   

Cisk is an iconic beer with a bright yellow label, first brewed in Malta in August 1929. Born of adversity and perseverance, Cisk played a crucial role in transforming the local beverage industry, where the wine-drinking culture embraced and loved beer.       

In Malta there are many German breweries whose assortment is produced under licence, for example, vitamin malt. There is also a special kind of drink named after the taste of chewing gum.    

Malta India is syrupy and ultra-sweet, packaging 21g of sugar in a 12oz bottle. That’s less than Coke, Sprite or energy drinks, but one of the strengths makes it seem sweeter and more filling. Soda is better because it tastes sweeter, has twice as much fruit and is easier to enjoy.    

Malta the drink, on the other hand, has the flavour of savoury food, and most people find it delicious when they taste it. This leads to jokes about drinking or eating sandwiches from the bottle. I know when I tried for the first time beer (soft beer) I was not impressed and wondered why people liked it so much.    

As a duty to my loyal readers, I was urged to try a malt drink. I was forced and bullied into drinking Goya Malta by a handful of colleagues, a brand that claims to be of South American heritage and was founded in New York. It tasted like beer, and I think I found a new reason not to drink beer.    

For me, the drink was sour, not sweet or salty and caused visceral rejection instead of a mouth. One of my assistants, Andrew Jorgensen, described it as licking the carpet of a hippie van and later regretted smelling it. The problem is because it is acidic, and it has a real funk, like hops.    

Malta the drink is the best way to introduce friends and family to something they have never tried before. Who knows, maybe they love the taste of Malta enough to decide, buy and keep for themselves or give to their friends. If you have a soft spot for strong beers or just want to drink a soda after a meal, this beer is just right for you.    

Goya Foods, better known for its products as Adobo and Sazon is one of the largest beverage brands in North America and versions can be found from state to state. Great price, great taste of Malta India and a pack of 6 makes for an excellent drink.    

Malta the drink
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